In addition to everything mentioned so far is the basic fact that your appetite and cravings will have significantly increased.Ī simple bowl of veggies suddenly tastes incredible… foods that you normally wouldn’t give a second look become far more appealing… and since glucose levels have dropped, the willpower to resist them also decreases with it. Let’s also not forget the simple fact that as you lose body weight, you won’t be carrying around as much total mass in general.įor example, moving a 200 pound body around throughout the day obviously requires a greater number of calories than moving a 175 pound body.

You may not think these things really matter when it comes to fat loss, but NEAT can actually account for several hundred up to a thousand calories or more burned per day depending on the individual. NEAT involves all of the small actions you take throughout the day that you probably don’t even think about, such as fidgeting in your seat, pacing, tapping your fingers, small head movements etc. On top of this reduction in fat burning hormone levels, the process of “non-exercise activity thermogenesis” (or “NEAT” for short) also naturally decreases as a way to further reduce caloric expenditure. Remember, the basic hard-wired systems of your body aren’t concerned with your desire for ripped six pack abs or striated shoulders all they really want to do is maintain a balanced state of homeostasis so that it can survive and reproduce effectively. This process of “metabolic adaptation” is achieved through a variety of hormonal changes, where key fat burning hormones such as leptin, testosterone and T3 are all decreased. See, your body is a very fine-tuned and adaptable system, and whenever you restrict your calories over any reasonable length of time, several important adjustments are made to help you conserve energy and to operate efficiently on fewer calories. This is how most average lifters go about it, and it’s exactly why so many end up putting on an excessive amount of unwanted fat and undoing a good chunk of their cutting progress as a result. If you’re just coming off of a prolonged calorie deficit for fat loss, simply “eating on instinct” based purely on hunger and cravings is the last thing you should be doing during your cut to bulk transition. Let’s go over the details… The Importance Of Having A Structured Post Diet Plan Well, there’s more to it than simply “eating more calories”, and if you want to keep fat gains under control during this period and maintain your leanness moving forward, it’s very important that you have a proper post diet plan in place. Great, but what is the proper way to transition from cutting to bulking? You’ve dropped the excess fat and have reached your desired level of leanness…Īnd now it’s time to shift into muscle building mode and begin adding some more overall mass and strength to your frame. You’ve just finished up your cutting phase…