Certain kinds of Copy Ability headgear were shown to be unlocked with Kirby series amiibo. The overview showcased all 13 Copy Abilities and 10 game modes and gave rules and mechanics of each game mode. October 12, 2017: An overview trailer was uploaded to the Japanese Nintendo official YouTube channel.October 9, 2017: Alternate Headgear for Copy Abilities were confirmed in a screenshot on a news post Tweet.The footage showed the Wind-Up Trick move for the Ninja ability, in which Kirby summons a bomb in the guise of a winding Ninja Kirby toy.

October 5, 2017: New gameplay footage of the Parasol and Ninja abilities were Tweeted out.October 3, 2017: The name of the machine first seen in the first Japanese reveal trailer, the "Kirby Printer", was revealed.September 28, 2017: A collage of screenshots of the opening cutscene from the story mode, Dedede's Cake Royale, was revealed.September 18, 2017: The official Kirby 25th Anniversary Twitter made a Tweet showcasing Flagball, Attack Riders and Apple Scramble.September 13, 2017: The game was unveiled as Kirby Battle Royale via Nintendo Direct.April 12, 2017: In celebration of Kirby's 25th anniversary, a Nintendo Direct teased about an "upcoming Kirby multiplayer action game for the holidays".Needs some screenshots of pre-release material Remove this notice once the image(s) have been uploaded and applied. It has been requested that image(s) be uploaded and added to this article.